Source: http://momnonstop.blogspot.com/search/label/scripture
We are in the profession of teaching to make a difference in children's lives. However, we can even make a difference in adult's life. You never know what the adult you may be talking to is going through in life. It is important to keep this in mind. When speaking to another adult, it is important to remain calm and keep some of your comments to yourself. This is sometimes easier said than done.
Sometimes I am asked why I keep to myself while at school. Usually it is because I have so much to do and my mind is on trying to get things accomplished. However, sometimes I keep to myself so that I don't say something that offends another person or should not be said. I am open to talk to anyone, but I use my work time to benefit the children. I stay away from the teacher's lunch room not because I don't think it's a great place to get ideas or a place to feel supported, but because I use that time to get myself ready for the rest of the day and to have a quiet time with God. This has been a blessing in my life that I have needed, and I realize that others may not need this.
Next time you are quick to make a response to a colleague or jump into one's conversation, think if you have a gentle answer or a harsh word. We want our words to be gentle and more Christ like each and every day. Sometimes I have to tell someone that I will get back with them so that I can think how I am going to respond. It is so easy to stick your foot in your mouth before you know it. It's OK to take time to figure out your response. I truly believe God likes it when we do, because it gives us a chance to ask him for guidance.
I pray that you are able to get along with your colleagues this year and remember why we are in this profession. I pray that you are able to respond to others with gentle responses. I pray that you seek God's guidance in tough situations. I pray that you are not only a positive influence on your student's lives but also your colleagues.