I thought what better way to start back blogging but by spending some time learning and growing with some fellow bloggers. I tell my coworkers that when I stop wanting to learn then it is time for me to get out of the education field. I think this is where so many teachers fail; teaching is a profession where you have to want to learn and grow or you will fall behind.
This is why I am so excited about this collaborative blogger book study that I found that is starting soon! I am really jealous that the bloggers that started this study just got back from a trip to the Ron Clark Academy. I REALLY want to go there one day!
I have heard great things about Marcia L. Tate, but I have never taken the time to read one of her books. I can't wait to see what I learn from this book and to start applying it to my first grade jungle room. :)
If you want to join along, buy the book and let's get started! (I just ordered mine on Amazon!) You don't have to be a blogger. You can participate by joining in the conversation by adding comments to the blog posts.
Here is the plan for the linky parties:
Linky parties will take place on these different blogs each time.
Here is the order so you can plan accordingly 

Kickin it in Kindergarten- Chapters 1 &2 (February 28th)
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten- Chapter 3 (March 7th)
Queen of the First Grade Jungle Chapter 4 (March 10th)
Fabulous in First Chapter 5 (March 14th)
One Extra Degree Chapter 6 (March 17th)
Mrs. Jump’s Class Chapter 7 (March 28th)
The First Grade Parade Chapter 8 (March 31st)
In April, you will be visiting these girls for the remainder of the study:
Mrs. Ehle’s Kindergarten Chapter 9 &10 (April 4th)
What The Teacher Wants Chapter 11 (April 7th)
First Grader At Last Chapter 12 (April 11th)
Erica’s Ed Ventures Chapter 13 (April 14th)
KinderGals Chapter 14 &15 (April 18th)
A Rocky Top Teacher Chapter 16 (April 21st)
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten Chapter 17 (April 25th)
Little Warriors Chapter 18 (April 28th)
Falling Into First Chapter 19 (May 2nd)
Kickin’ it in Kindergarten Chapter 20 (May 5th)
I hope you will join me in this adventure to learn and grow!
Elizabeth L.