Don't you just love it! I love to swing and knew just where I wanted this to hang. This is going to be my new favorite spot to read at this house when we aren't on the boat floating down the river. You will have to check out my family blog to see more information about this, but I won't be able to blog on there until later due to my "Unexpected Sunday/Monday".
Yesterday (Sunday), my husband and I were docked on one of the small islands on the Tennessee River eating lunch when I got a phone call from my mom. My dad had a heart attack, and they were rushing him to the hospital. Needless to say, we rushed back to the boat ramp loaded up our things and headed to the hospital which was about an hour away. My dad had to have a stint put in, but they were able to fix him up. However, he had to spend the night in the ICU which only allowed visitors at certain times.
I was able to go home and get some rest before getting my mom and coming back up to the hospital today. What was suppose to be a day preparing to get things ready to go back to the school when it reopens has turned into my "Unexpected Sunday/Monday" at the hospital. My dad is doing much better and has been moved to a regular room. We are waiting to see the doctor. In the mean time, I have been reading these books:

I know most of you have been reading The Daily 5. Well, I did not realize it but this book has been on my shelf since I started teaching. I guess the teacher that retired before me had bought it and left it in the classroom. I am looking forward to starting it this afternoon.
I was privilege to hear Tara Brown speak at an inservice that my local school had this past winter. She was a great motivational speaker. Our administrators bought each classroom a copy of Different Cultures, Common Ground - 85 Proven Strategies to Connect in Your Classroom. This book is full of great reminders of what teachers should demonstrate in the classroom to connect to the students. Although most of the ideas are not new, it is great to refresh your mind on these every so often. The book is an easy read, and I was able to read it this morning while nurses were coming in and out of the hospital room. If you are needing a speaker at your school, I definitely recommend Tara Brown.
I will hopefully be back tomorrow with some new ideas for you to use in your classroom.
I will keep your dad in my prayers. I hope he gets to doing better. :)
My (Not So) Elementary Life
Prayers to your dad and family. Love the porch swing, what a perfect place to read.
You have such a sweet blog! Keep it up!! I awarded it the One Lovely Blog Award! Swing by my blog and pick it up!! :)
I love that porch swing! So sorry about your dad, but I am glad he is doing better and it wasn't worse!
Fun in 1st Grade