Teacher: "Why are you at your backpack?"
Student: "I thought I came to school with diapers in my backpack."
Teacher: "Why would you have diapers? Do you need them?"
Student: "No, but my mom might with my baby brother."
I am glad my backpack area doesn't look like this!
Source: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/d8/43/ba/d843ba149a18579a5f95fd38df9b0283.jpg
Teacher: "Does anyone know why the police called the mother a cuckoo?"
Student: "No, but she must be from Bolivar. My parents say that all the cuckoos live in Bolivar."
Teacher: "Why have you been acting up today?"
Student: "You know what caused my misbehavior? It's this scar under my eye. It has caused me to act this way."
Student: "Why is that written sloppy?" (Pointing to the Promethean Board in which I had typed something.)
Teacher: "You mean this?" (Pointing to a book title in italics.)
Student: "Yes, it's sloppy. You wouldn't let me turn my work in like that."
Student: "Do I have a booger in my nose?" (As he comes to me with his head back)
Source: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/65/a1/a1/65a1a1ea6093bbfb985af8b2ba9118bc.jpg
Can't wait to see what else comes up! Here's to a great week!
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